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Michigan Criminal Defense Law Firm


Law Firm Overview
Davis Law Group PLLC in Southfield, MI, provides criminal defense for those charged with a crime. The firm represents people who are charged with felonies or misdemeanors at the local level, state level or
federal level. The firm also will help those who are under investigation for criminal activity.

Attorney Maurice Davis believes in protecting clients’ rights and their freedoms. He guides them through the process from the beginning to the satisfactory conclusion. He takes cases relating to drug charges, sex crimes, assault and battery, manslaughter and murder, theft, white collar crime, arson and property crimes, and OWI. 

Mr. Davis is efficient and works quickly. He used to serve as a prosecutor, which means he knows how the other side investigates their cases. He uses that knowledge to his advantage, devising strategies that counter opponents’ arguments. Davis Law Group PLLC is successful in getting clients the outcome that serves their interest the best. Besides criminal law, the firm represents injury victims. 
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